11 Keys to Great Success in Life and Business: Key 8: Major in the Majors

All work is not created equal. There are really two types of work. The first type is the work that can make you wealthy. The second type is the work that might make you crazy and certainly won’t make you wealthy.

In our business, there are only four types of activities that will make a business owner wealthy. These are:

  1. Earn new customers
  2. Sell more to your current customers
  3. Hire and manage sales representatives
  4. Buy your competition

Of course, only the first two apply to sales representatives.

Anything other than these four activities are administrative, and will make you crazy and keep you from getting wealthy. These administrative activities include vendor sourcing, pricing, order entry, order follow-up, invoicing, collections, payables and much more. These are the minor activities.

Most people have a to-do list. However, their to-do lists do not separate out the major activities from the minor ones. On most peoples’ to-do lists, all of the activities appear equal. That’s a major (no pun intended) mistake. I know of many distributors and sales representatives who work hard all day. They go home exhausted. But it’s possible that they did not do one thing all day that’s wealth-building.

Simply maintaining a to-do list that differentiates the wealth-building activities from the administrative activities could easily change your trajectory and success.

Learning to create wealth requires discipline and focus. Let me encourage you to identify all the non-wealth-building activities that consume your time and find a way to delegate or outsource all of them.

If it’s time for you to get wealthy in 2016, it’s time for you to major in the majors.

Previously in our “11 Keys to Success” series we discussed:

Key 1: “Add Value”
Key 2: “Find Your Passion”
Key 3: “Be Extraordinary”
Key 4: “Start Now”
Key 5: “Find Great Mentors”
Key 6: “Can’t is a Four-letter Word”
Key 7: “Be Accountable”

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